The Throat Chakra

throat chakra info card

Starting from the base of the spine and rising from the heart, the throat chakra is the fifth of the seven major energy centers. Viśhuddha is the Sanskrit word for this chakra. Shuddhi, means “pure,” and the root, vi, intensifies the word; therefore, viśhuddha means “especially pure,” “purification,” or “purified.”

As the name suggests, this chakra is located at the throat area and relates to all forms of communication and self-expression with an emphasis on clarity, responsibility, and truth.

Ruled by the element of ether, Viśhuddha is the way creative ideas of the sacral chakra find “voice” in the world. It corresponds to the body areas and organs of the throat, tongue, lips, cheeks, jaw, ears, neck, and shoulders.

The energies of the throat chakra are responsible for:

  • Authentic self-expression
  • Body language
  • Clairaudience
  • Communication
  • Integrity
  • Honesty
  • Listening
  • Originality 
  • Purification
  • Speaking
  • Truth

Associated with the color light blue or turquoise, this energy center is also symbolized by a light blue lotus with sixteen petals containing a circle inside of a down-facing triangle. The petals represent the 16 vowel sounds of the Sanskrit language. The circle within the triangle symbolizes the full moon, a time of letting-go and completion, while the inverted triangle represents pulling this purified energy down into our emotional and physical bodies.

light blue throat chakra lotus

The throat chakra is the our communication hub, governing how we communicate with ourselves and others. It’s where we find our voice, listen with intention, speak our truth, and sing praises for ourselves and others

Signs your throat chakra is balanced

When the throat chakra is balanced and open, we can experience:

  • Authentic self-expression
  • Boosted confidence
  • Communication with conviction and ease
  • Creative inspiration
  • Enjoyable conversations
  • Feeling heard
  • Improved listening skills
  • Speaking truth without fear

When in open flow, viśhuddha brings us the ability to express what we think and feel with more ease. We can communicate our ideas, beliefs, and emotions more clearly and experience clearer internal dialogue and engage in more conscious and effective communication with others.

Signs your throat chakra is imbalanced

When the fifth chakra is out of alignment, symptoms can be subtle or overt and they can surface as:

  • A loss of words
  • Feelings of isolation or misunderstanding
  • Insecurity
  • Moodiness
  • Self-doubt
  • Shyness
  • Social anxiety

The throat chakra energies—as well as the body parts governed by this energy center—are especially prone to holding repressed emotions, which blocks our access to hear and speak truth. For these reasons, it’s important to understand how to support this chakra into harmony.

How to activate the throat chakra

 There are many tools available for you to engage and balance the energy of Viśhuddha.

There is no one-size-fits-all or a single action that works for everyone. You will be drawn toward specific approaches at different times. Direct your focus towards themes around communication, truth, deep listening, and authentic expression. Trust your intuition and be open to explore because your system knows what will serve you best.

Energetic tools for the throat chakra

Meditation is a dynamic and powerful mindfulness practice that deepens awareness, increases mental clarity, fortifies emotional stability, and reduces stress. There are many types of meditative practices that are attuned to the energies of the throat chakra. Try a mantra meditation by repeating a mantra (like ‘Ham’, the seed mantra of Viśhuddha), or an affirmation during your mindfulness practice. Another option is to repetitively write down your mantra(s) of choice on paper or in a journal. 

While meditating, visualizing the color turquoise, focused at the throat, sparks this chakra into balancing itself. Give yourself permission to explore a sacred meditation practice that works for you.

The use of gemstones during meditation (like aquamarine, blue apatite, kyanite, lapis lazuli, and sodalite) is a simple tool to incorporate into your meditation practice and enhance its benefits. Hold the gemstone(s) in your hand(s) or place them on or around the area of the throat while meditating.

Incorporate crystals and gems into your altar, sacred space, wear them as jewelry, or place them in a pocket. 

Holding the Shunya Mudra helps you feel calm, clear and capable of clear communication and earnest listening.

Thinking, speaking, writing or creating art with affirmations similar to those below can also support bringing your throat chakra into alignment and full expression:

  • I speak my truth, lovingly
  • I uplift myself and others through honest communication
  • I pause, I speak, I heal
  • I am unafraid to ask for what I want
  • I am truth, I speak truth, I sow truth
  • I express myself authentically with words and actions
  • I speak my truth freely and fearlessly
  • I balance my speech and actions with deep listening
  • I speak and listen with equal awareness

Physical tools for the throat chakra


Yoga asanas, or postures, can be used to support the throat center, such as:

  • Chakravakasana, Cat And Cow
  • Dhanurasana, Bow
  • Halasana, Plow
  • Matsyasana, Fish
  • Purvottanasana, Reverse Plank
  • Salamba Sarvangasana, Supported Shoulderstand
  • Setu Bhandasana, Bridge
  • Simhasana Pranayama, Lion’s Breath

As the throat chakra is associated with our sense of hearing, use or engage with sound in some way. Listen to or play music, sing, hum, or chant.

Affirm your gratitude. By developing a gratitude practice of journaling and/or speaking about what you’re thankful for, you activate your throat chakra into a higher expression, along with the rest of your chakras. Finding gratitude in the present moment is an impactful mindfulness practice that supports the manifestation of what is true to you and for your highest good.

Practice active listening, which puts intent into action. Go into a conversation with an expanded awareness to listen for understanding rather than to respond. See how much more you are able to hear and sense, not only with the words, but the energy behind them. It helps develop empathy and provides an opportunity for the other person to experience being heard, which is a true gift.

Mindful eating changes the way food moves through the throat and into your system for digestion. It’s a way to reorient your relationship with food. This practice can also be a form of meditation because it focuses your attention on the simple act of eating. Slow down. Chew slowly. Swallow with intention. Your body will notice the difference.

Wear light blue or turquoise (or incorporate this color into your environment) to boost throat chakra energy. This color reminds us consciously and subconsciously to return to the color of the skies when we want to recharge the throat. Blue clothing or accessories can easily incorporate this ether-inspired color into your day.


The throat chakra can be activated by eating certain fruits and vegetables, such as blueberries, blackberries, and plums, and kelp. Incorporate some of these foods into your meals to support the flow of this energy center.

Herbs and essential oils

Sage is known as the ultimate cleansing herb. When burned as a smudge, it allows for more clear communication.

Thyme is excellent for opening the respiratory tract to allow for better movement of the breath and speech throughout the body.

Clove, eucalyptus, frankincense, myrrh, neroli, and rosemary can also activate the inherent gifts of the throat chakra.

Explore your other chakras:

Chakras: A beginner’s guide
Root Chakra
Sacral Chakra
Solar Plexus Chakra
Heart Chakra
Third-Eye Chakra
Crown Chakra


The information provided on the site is for educational purposes only, and does not substitute for professional medical advice. Consult a medical professional if seeking medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment.