The Third-Eye Chakra

third-eye chakra info card

Starting at the base of the spine, the third eye is the sixth of the seven major chakras.

The Sanskrit word for this chakra is Ajñā, which means “to perceive,” “to command,” or “beyond wisdom.” Located just above the space between the eyebrows, the third eye is the center of our intuition and psychic ability, as well as the seat of the soul. It provides the wisdom and divine perspective necessary to understand existence beyond time and space.

As you move upward on the chakra journey, the essence of each one becomes less dense and more subtle. Associated with the element of light, this energy center governs our ability to see past duality and tap into the awareness that allows us to see ourselves and others as spiritual beings having a human experience. The body areas connected to this chakra are the pineal gland, nervous system, brain, sinuses, ears, eyes, forehead, and temples.

The energies of the third eye chakra are responsible for:

  • Abstract thinking
  • Clairvoyance
  • Conscious awareness
  • Imagination
  • Intuition
  • Memory
  • Organization skills
  • Perception
  • Spiritual communication
  • Visualization

Represented by the color indigo, this energy center governs the individual mind, intelligence, intuition, and the sixth sense. It is simply symbolized by a lotus with two petals representing the merging of dualities and an upside-down triangle nested within a circle that can represent wisdom.

indigo third-eye chakra lotus

The brow chakra helps us perceive beyond the material world the physical eyes see. It can connect you to your inner knowing and illuminate experiences as they are without the filters of your past, expectations, or judgment. Activating the third eye enables access to a higher level of consciousness and inner balance.

Signs your third eye chakra is balanced

When the third eye chakra is balanced and in open flow, we experience:

  • Amplified intuition
  • Better dream recall
  • Greater support in spiritual practices
  • Heightened conscious awareness
  • Sharper psychic sense
  • Improved memory
  • Optimism

When in optimal flow, the third eye gives us direct access to the “big picture.” This ability to see beyond the material and binaries shifts our perspective so we can see our own blind spots and understand ourselves in the context of the collective. This chakra can lead to a higher level of consciousness and a realization that the self and universe are one.

A balanced brow chakra also amplifies our intuition, or sixth sense. This inner guidance enhances our experiences in the real world by allowing us to trust our instincts and inner voice while integrating higher wisdom and sound discernment into what we do. This ability helps us experience the physical world with greater conscious awareness.

Signs your third eye chakra is imbalanced

When the sixth chakra is out of alignment or disturbed, it can be experienced as:

  • Anxiety
  • Being overly analytical
  • Excessive daydreaming
  • Fear of the unknown
  • Inability to self-reflect
  • Judgment of self or others
  • Lack of concentration
  • Mental fog
  • Mental slavery
  • Overwhelm

The third eye chakra energies—as well as the body parts governed by this energy center—can become impacted, and therefore, block our access to heightened awareness, higher knowledge, and intuition. For these reasons, it’s important to understand how to support this chakra into harmony.

How to activate the third eye chakra

There are many tools available for you to engage and balance the energy of ājñā. There is no one-size-fits-all or a single activity that works for everyone. You will be drawn toward specific approaches at different times. Direct your focus towards themes around expansiveness, eliminating duality, activating intuition, and imagination, and be open to explore. 

Energetic tools for the third eye chakra

Meditation is a dynamic and powerful mindfulness practice that deepens awareness and supports mental clarity, along with many other benefits. There are many types of meditative practices that are attuned to the energies of the third eye chakra. Try a chakra scanning meditation by connecting with the rhythm of your breath and using your inner eye to scan each chakra, starting at the root and moving up to the third eye. Spend a moment with each energy center, as well as the body areas governed by the chakra, and bring your awareness to any sensations or qualities you notice. 

While meditating, visualizing the color indigo at the brow can spark the third eye center into balancing itself. Give yourself permission to explore a sacred meditation practice that works for you.

The use of gemstones during meditation (like amethyst, azurite, black obsidian, citrine, labradorite, iolite, and sapphire) is a simple tool to incorporate into your meditation practice and enhance its benefits. Hold the gemstone(s) in your hand(s) or place them on or around the third eye while meditating.

Incorporate crystals and gems into an altar or sacred space, wear them as jewelry, or place them in a pocket.

Holding the Gyan Mudra sends energy to the third eye and increases mental concentration and focus.

Thinking, speaking, writing or creating art with the following affirmations can also support bringing your sixth chakra into alignment and full expression:

  • I am wise, intuitive, and connected to my inner guidance
  • I trust my intuition
  • I can connect to my higher power
  • I am connected to the wisdom of the universe
  • I am able to see and act in alignment with my divine purpose
  • I open myself to new energy and experience
  • My life moves effortlessly towards my purpose
  • My imagination is vivid and powerful
  • I nurture my spirit and am in tune with its needs
  • I trust that my highest good is unfolding
  • I am tapped into my inner wisdom
  • I can see past duality and access unity

Physical tools for the third eye chakra


Yoga asanas, or postures, can be used to support third eye energies, such as:

  • Balasana, Child’s
  • Karna Shakti Vikasak, Ear Power Increase
  • Makarasana, Dolphin
  • Malasana, Garland Pose or Squat
  • Uttana Shishosana, Puppy
  • Utthan Pristhasana, Lizard
  • Viparita Karani, Legs Up the Wall

Pay attention to your dreams. Everyone dreams, yet we don’t necessarily remember them. Keep a pen and dream journal next to your bed. Before you fall asleep, place a hand over your third eye and say, “I will remember my dreams.” As soon as you awaken, write down any details of your dreams in your journal. If nothing is recalled, that’s ok and you can write about what is on your mind in that moment. Dreams can be a way for your mind to resolve any issues or questions you have. Pay attention to any connections between your waking life and dreams. You might be surprised at how many answers you have in your dream journal.

Increase your awareness of numbing activities, habits and devices, including busyness. When we draw attention to the tendency to numb-out, it’s an opportunity to remain in-the-moment with whatever is happening, however uncomfortable, and choose healthy alternatives.

Let the sun shine in. As the element of ājñā is light, mental clarity increases when you get into fresh air and the sun’s healing rays. If you live in a dark or cold climate, light therapy is a reliable alternative. On a physical level, light awakens the pineal gland and optimizes our circadian cycle of sleep and wakefulness.

Gaze at the night sky. Looking at the moon and stars is a simple and awe-inspiring way to put everyday life into a wider perspective. Staring at the celestial bodies above opens the mind and helps to transcend the limits of thought.

Wear indigo (or integrate this color into your environment) to boost this chakra’s energy. Indigo can remind us consciously and subconsciously to return to its calm when we want to activate the third eye. Clothing or accessories can be used to incorporate this night sky inspired color into your day.


There are no particular foods associated with this chakra as it is supported by fasting. Incorporate some form of fasting into your nutrition routine and see if you notice any shifts in your clarity and deeper understanding.

Herbs and essential oils

Blue Lotus enhances pineal gland function and provokes longer states of deep meditation. In meditative practice, it allows us to see behind the mind’s eye by activating the third eye. Blue lotus is also known to motivate lucid dreaming.

Ginkgo increases circulation and blood flow to the brain and extremities. This herb enhances mental acuity and can give us access to long-forgotten, ancient wisdom.

Lavender promotes deeper spiritual understanding, psychic insight, and intuitive visions. In addition, lavender casts away doubts about embracing our spiritual power, calms the whole system, and is perfect for those who experience anxiety.

Frankincense, myrrh, patchouli, rosemary, and sandalwood also activate the seeing power of your third eye chakra.

Explore your other chakras:

Chakras: A beginner’s guide
Root Chakra
Sacral Chakra
Solar Plexus Chakra
Heart Chakra
Throat Chakra
Crown Chakra


The information provided on the site is for educational purposes only, and does not substitute for professional medical advice. Consult a medical professional if seeking medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment.