Chakras: A beginner’s guide

body outline on a space background

You may have come across the term chakra in a yoga class, a metaphysical book, or maybe in casual conversation, but the knowledge of and practices with these “wheels of energy” are not a recent discovery. While the chakras and other metaphysical knowledge may be categorized as new age, many cultures and indigenous communities have used chakras and similar energetic principles as part of their spiritual & healing practices for centuries.

So what are chakras? How can you tune into these energy centers? What can you do to unblock or bring your chakras into balance?

What are chakras?

The Sanskrit word chakra translates to wheel or disk and is pronounced with a hard CH, like “charm” or “chocolate.” As described in the early traditions of Hinduism by ancient yogis, a chakra is an “energy vortex” that exists within and beyond the human body.

We consist of many chakras and they can be thought of as our energetic anatomy. The seven most most common and main chakras are the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third-eye, and crown. As their names suggest, they are inline with the spine and run from the tip of the tailbone to the top of the skull. When there’s too much or too little flow through them, they become imbalanced and we can experience disharmony physically, mentally, emotionally, and/or spiritually. Learning about the chakras can be a powerful tool to support and guide us towards holistic wellbeing.

Each corresponds to different functions of our physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual bodies while holding and circulating your life energy, or prana. The framework of and practice with the seven chakras serve as a roadmap to help support the development, power, and healing of the body, mind, and spirit.

The earthly, the spiritual, and the bridge

The seven chakras can be distinguished as earthly, spiritual, or the bridge. The lower three chakras—root, sacral, and solar plexus—relate to earthly matters such as survival, sexuality and personal power. The upper three chakras—throat, third-eye, and crown—relate to more subtle energies such as authentic expression, intuition, and higher consciousness. Sitting in the middle of these two energetic realms is the connector—the heart chakra—which bridges the two worlds of the earthly and spiritual through compassion and unconditional love.

Let’s explore further.

The earthly chakras

Chakra One: Root Chakra

Starting at the tailbone, the first chakra is the Root, or Muladhara in Sanskrit and is the foundation of our energy. It’s responsible for grounding, inner-strength, security and survival and the translation for this center is mula “root” and adhara “support.” It is represented by the color red, and is the most instinctual of the seven major chakra centers. Its function governs our core survival responses of fight, flight, freeze & fawn as well as experiences with birth family and ancestral roots.

Presentness, stability and strength are indicators of a balanced Muladhara. When out of balance, you may notice anxiousness, stuckness, confusion or negativity. Walking or practicing grounding—a barefoot therapeutic approach reconnecting you to the electrical charges of the earth that has positive effects on the body— or repeating the affirmation I am secure in meditation or journaling can help harmonize Muladhara. Learn more about the root chakra.

Chakra Two: Sacral Chakra

Flowing upward, the second chakra, the sacral, is the energy center of emotional connection. Svādhiṣṭhāna translates to  swā – “self,” ādhiṣṭhāna – “dwelling place” and is responsible for emotions, pleasure, reproduction, creativity, and feelings of self-worth. Represented by the color orange, this feminine energy connects us with our intuitive, unashamed nature.

Heightened creativity, fluidity and endurance are indicators of a balanced Svādhiṣṭhāna. When out of balance, you may notice bitterness, rigidity or lack of inspiration. Being in or around water (like the ocean, lakes, streams, waterfalls, baths) or repeating the affirmation I am creative in meditation or journaling can help harmonize Svādhiṣṭhāna. Learn more about the sacral chakra. 

Chakra Three: Solar Plexus Chakra

Moving into our power center, the third chakra is the solar plexus or Maṇipūra.  Translated as maṇi – “jewels”, pūra – “city” and associated with the color yellow, here is where our self-esteem, identity, self-empowerment, and our ability to transform & transform ourselves is harnessed.

Confidence, motivation and vitality are indicators of a balanced Maṇipūra. When out of balance, you may notice feelings of insecurity, jealousy, or disempowerment. Spending time in the sun or sitting by a fire reconnects you with nature’s fiery elements to boost confidence. Repeating the affirmation I am strong in meditation or journaling can help harmonize Maṇipūra. Learn more about the solar plexus chakra.

The bridge

Chakra Four: Heart Chakra

The central point of our energy system is the heart chakra  and symbolizes the importance and balance of matter and spirit. The Sanskrit name is Anāhata, which translates to “unstruck”. Here is where we can tap into joy, compassion, and love for ourselves and others as well as transition from embodiment to enlightenment.

Compassion, expansion, and tranquility are indicators of an aligned Anāhata. When this chakra is disturbed, you may experience confusion, frustration, lack of love, defensiveness, or fear of rejection. Immerse yourself in any activity that sparks love, wholeness, and joy within you. Repeating the affirmation I am free to give and receive love unconditionally in meditation or journaling can help harmonize Anāhata. Learn more about the heart chakra.

The spiritual chakras

Chakra Five: Throat Chakra

Moving up into the more subtle energy, the fifth energy center is the throat chakra, or Viśhuddha, which translates to “especially pure”. Its color is a sky blue and this is the communication hub that governs our capacity to speak clearly, listen deeply, and create. Communication is the connecting principle that joins us with ourselves, others, and life in a way that honors truth.

Healthy confidence, enjoyable conversations and improved listening skills are indicators of a balanced throat chakra center. When out of balance, you may notice moodiness, passivity or self-doubt. Eating mindfully or using the affirmation I hear and speak truth during mindfulness practices, like journaling or meditation, can help harmonize Viśhuddha. Learn more about the throat chakra.

Chakra Six: Third-Eye Chakra

The sixth chakra is the Third-Eye or Ājñā. Translated as “command,” “perceive,” and “beyond wisdom” and represented by the colors indigo or purple, here is where we access higher knowledge, intuition, and our sixth sense. The third-eye helps perceive a cosmic vision beyond the physical world that the two physical eyes see. It connects you with your inner knowing and illuminates everything as it is without the filter of the past, expectations, or judgment.

Increased awareness, imagination and optimism are indicators of a balanced third-eye. When out of balance, you may notice excessive daydreaming, fear of the unknown or mental fog. Practicing breath exercises (pranayama), meditation, or using an affirmation like I trust my intuition can help harmonize Ājñā. Learn more about the third-eye chakra.

Chakra Seven: Crown Chakra

The seventh and last chakra of our main energy system is the crown chakra or Sahasrāra. Translated as “thousand-petal lotus” and represented by the colors violet, white, or gold, here we connect to the subtle energies of spirit flowing around and through us. The crown chakra gives us a divine association with wisdom, enlightenment and transcendence.

Gratitude, heightened intuitive skills and quicker manifestation are indicators of a balanced crown chakra. When out of balance, you may notice apathy, cynicism, or exhaustion. Fasting, de-cluttering and cleansing your surroundings, or using the affirmation I am connected to a higher power in your energy management rituals can help harmonize Sahasrāra. Learn more about the crown chakra.

The power of working with the chakras

The framework of the seven-chakra system can be the ultimate map toward health and happiness. It’s empowering to embrace the concept that we have the ability to influence our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies through consciously engaging with the flow of these subtle, yet impactful, energies.

The body is energetic and highly-responsive; with awareness, intention, and right action, we can consciously choose new habits and practices that support a robust energetic flow. This includes the food we eat, the content we consume, the thoughts we think, the physical and spiritual practices that nourish us, and so much more. And the benefits of the work are compounded; when one chakra comes into balance, it fortifies and optimizes the flow of the others.

Interested in delving deeper into each of these main energy centers and learning practical tools to bring them into alignment? Explore these articles below:

Root Chakra
Sacral Chakra
Solar Plexus Chakra
Heart Chakra
Throat Chakra
Third Eye Chakra
Crown Chakra