About LIYTbody

light /’līt/ n.

3. a source of light such as a celestial body
6. spiritual illumination

body /’bä-dē/ n

2. the organized physical substance of an
animal or plant either living or dead

The word lightbody (or light body) is a bit nebulous, yet the
idea of and the practices to activate it have been around for
ages. Broadly speaking, it’s the energetic connection between
our physical and spiritual worlds and the vehicle to raise our consciousness. The more consciousness you possess, the more
in-tuned you are with your ability to self-heal and form loving, compassionate, genuine connection with yourself and others.

This journey through consciousness is life, which can be
confusing, clarifying, scary, liberating, chaotic, calm,
uncomfortable, and blissful all at once.

Offering tools & insights to help
navigate life with greater awareness,
love, compassion, and agency is
essential right now - this is the
intention of LIYTbody.

LIYT stands for
Live In Your Truth

–the driving mantra that has been the foundation of LIYTbody
before it ever manifested into what you’re visiting now. It is
an invitation to pause for a moment (or a while) to connect
with something that lives deep within each one of us and has
the power to change how we experience life. That something
can be called our intuition, the Self, self-energy, or Truth of
who we are. This is not an easy task as it takes courage,
desire, vulnerability, and right intention.

LIYTbody’s Mission

is to spark curiosity and help guide your
exploration of the connection between your
physical + metaphysical body. The more you
understand the energy you’re made of, where
you’ve come from, and what you’ve been
through, the better your intuition can guide you
towards who you are here to be in this lifetime.



Learn how the physical
body is connected to the



Explore the chakras
and other energetic
elements that govern
the metaphyiscal body.



Discovery practices
and tools that support
your energetic needs.

Everything is energy.

According to mystical traditions and ancient sages,
everything is energy. When you can intentionally
connect with the energy of your inner world, engaging
with and understanding the outer world with more
self-agency and compassion becomes first nature. How
you feel and think can materialize within your physical
body, your environment, and relationships.

“As above, so below, as within, so without,
as the universe, so the soul…”

–Hermes Trismegistus

This is not a new age concept;

these principles stem from ancient
spiritual wisdom that is resurfacing at
a time of chaos and unknowns, when
humanity’s foundation is being shaken
back to its core. This is a period of
being called to reassess and clear out
what is no longer working to create
space for that which is nurturing,
empowering, and positively
regenerative for our individual and
collective wellbeing.

Balance looks and feels
different for everyone–

there is no one-size-fits-all when it
comes to what is best for our individual
needs. There is great power and beauty
in this self-work -

you can become a 
catalyst of this life changing
process in others.

LIYTbody offers

accessible, practical insights resourced from
research, self-study, personal experience, and
practices of yoga + meditation + the chakras.
You can easily access yoga practices, meditations,
tools, and food for thought throughout
the LIYTbody.com site, Shop, YouTube channel,
and Email Newsletter.

Check out

My Blog

to explore inspiration
and insights to activate
your LIYTbody.

About Chibuzo

CHIBUZO AGUOCHA is a first-generation Nigerian-American, daughter of health care professionals, certified yoga + meditation practitioner, marketing professional, former competitive athlete, and life-long student of intellectual + spiritual curiosities.

“Live In Your Truth is a phrase that struck a chord with me several years ago and instantly I noticed it coming up with more frequency across conversations with friends and loved ones, books, blogs, podcasts, and other media I consumed. 

These four simple words formed a foundational and empowering statement that would carry me through some of the most challenging and beautiful times the universe has brought my way."

LIYTbody is the manifestation of a vision I had several years ago to create and share practical insights and resources that support balance, wellbeing, healing, sense of agency, self-awareness, and awareness + development of the body-mind-spirit connection. I did not know where this would lead or how it would materialize, but the creation process of LIYTbody has gifted me with invaluable lessons + insights that have supported my alignment with my true Self.

I know not everything will be applicable to everyone’s needs or circumstances, but in whatever way this content can be helpful for someone, I want to be able to offer that. The mission of LIYTbody is to help you help yourself realize balance in body, mind, and spirit and to live a wellthy, authentic life.”